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Children of Dune - Frank Herbert

Syllables Per Word

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Word Frequency

These tables show the frequency of single, 2, 3, and 5 word combinations throughout the text.

Longest Words

These are the longest words from lists that include words with hyphens or exclude words with hyphens.

Includes Hyphens

Words Length Part of Speech Definition
historian-archaeologist 23 JJ adjective (large)
death-transformation 20 NN noun, singular (cat, tree)
dream-interpretation 20 JJ adjective (large)
fortress-stronghold 19 NN noun, singular (cat, tree)
special-application 19 JJ adjective (large)

Excludes Hyphens

Words Length Part of Speech Definition
institutionalized 17 JJ adjective (large)
responsibilities 16 NNS noun plural (desks)
misunderstanding 16 VBG verb gerund (judging)
multidimensional 16 JJ adjective (large)
dissatisfaction 15 NN noun, singular (cat, tree)

Top 10 Words by Part of Speech

What follows are tables that feature the most frequent proper nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.

Proper Nouns

Proper Noun Count
Leto 715
Alia 578
Jessica 488
Ghanima 402
Farad'n 361
Fremen 280
Stilgar 258
Idaho 220
Atreides 213
Preacher 209


Pronoun Count
he 2261
his 1818
you 1768
it 1566
she 1325
i 1211
her 1140
him 816
they 650
me 514


Adjective Count
own 262
old 210
other 166
more 160
many 139
such 135
new 130
human 80
dead 74
young 73


Adverb Count
not 856
now 365
only 305
then 278
here 270
back 206
even 176
still 165
once 163
there 162


Verb Count
was 1433
said 1272
had 1195
is 696
were 481
been 372
have 292
are 270
asked 232
thought 232

Unique Words

The word frequency table that follows includes stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the". We include them here for the extra context they provide overall word choice percentages.

Unique Words Part of Speech Part of Speech Definition Count Percentage

2 Word Combinations

What follows are word combinations that exclude stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the".

Words go through lemmetization as well. This makes attempts to find the root word, such as say for saying or said. Lemmetization provides a greater opportunity to find repetitive language.

2 Word Combinations Count Percentage

3 Word Combinations

What follows are word combinations that exclude stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the".

Words go through lemmetization as well. This makes attempts to find the root word, such as say for saying or said. Lemmetization provides a greater opportunity to find repetitive language.

3 Word Combinations Count Percentage

5 Word Combinations

What follows are word combinations that exclude stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the".

Words go through lemmetization as well. This makes attempts to find the root word, such as say for saying or said. Lemmetization provides a greater opportunity to find repetitive language.

5 Word Combinations Count Percentage