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Children of Dune - Frank Herbert

Part of Speech Frequency Chart

This chart visualizes the count of parts of speech.

Part of Speech Frequency Table

This table show the parts of speech, their definition, and their frequency.

Part of Speech Frequency Percentage pos_definition
NN 26548 14.803% noun, singular (cat, tree)
IN 16493 9.196% preposition/subordinating conjunction
DT 15943 8.890% determiner
VBD 12333 6.877% verb past tense (pleaded)
NNP 12232 6.820% proper noun, singular (sarah)
PRP 11964 6.671% personal pronoun (hers, herself, him,himself)
JJ 9341 5.208% adjective (large)
RB 6967 3.885% adverb (occasionally, swiftly)
VB 6752 3.765% verb (ask)
NNS 6389 3.562% noun plural (desks)
PRP$ 4975 2.774% possessive pronoun (her, his, mine, my, our )
CC 3965 2.211% coordinating conjunction
VBN 3609 2.012% verb past participle (reunified)
TO 3350 1.868% infinite marker (to)
VBP 2785 1.553% verb, present tense not 3rd person singular(wrap)
VBG 2653 1.479% verb gerund (judging)
MD 2291 1.277% modal (could, will)
VBZ 1927 1.074% verb, present tense with 3rd person singular (bases)
WRB 1049 0.585% wh- adverb (how)
WDT 888 0.495% wh-determiner (that, what)
WP 828 0.462% wh- pronoun (who)
CD 612 0.341% cardinal digit
RP 590 0.329% particle (about)
JJR 337 0.188% adjective, comparative (larger)
EX 314 0.175% existential there
RBR 239 0.133% adverb, comparative (greater)
JJS 196 0.109% adjective, superlative (largest)
POS 132 0.074% possessive ending (parent's)
PDT 124 0.069% predeterminer (all, both, half)
UH 103 0.057% interjection (goodbye)
'' 93 0.052% ''
FW 73 0.041% foreign word
RBS 66 0.037% adverb, superlative (biggest)
WP$ 35 0.020% possesive wh- pronoun (whose)
NNPS 16 0.009% proper noun, plural (indians or americans)
SYM 6 0.003% symbol (&)