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This chart visualizes the count of parts of speech.
This table show the parts of speech, their definition, and their frequency.
Part of Speech | Frequency | Percentage | pos_definition |
NN | 26548 | 14.803% | noun, singular (cat, tree) |
IN | 16493 | 9.196% | preposition/subordinating conjunction |
DT | 15943 | 8.890% | determiner |
VBD | 12333 | 6.877% | verb past tense (pleaded) |
NNP | 12232 | 6.820% | proper noun, singular (sarah) |
PRP | 11964 | 6.671% | personal pronoun (hers, herself, him,himself) |
JJ | 9341 | 5.208% | adjective (large) |
RB | 6967 | 3.885% | adverb (occasionally, swiftly) |
VB | 6752 | 3.765% | verb (ask) |
NNS | 6389 | 3.562% | noun plural (desks) |
PRP$ | 4975 | 2.774% | possessive pronoun (her, his, mine, my, our ) |
CC | 3965 | 2.211% | coordinating conjunction |
VBN | 3609 | 2.012% | verb past participle (reunified) |
TO | 3350 | 1.868% | infinite marker (to) |
VBP | 2785 | 1.553% | verb, present tense not 3rd person singular(wrap) |
VBG | 2653 | 1.479% | verb gerund (judging) |
MD | 2291 | 1.277% | modal (could, will) |
VBZ | 1927 | 1.074% | verb, present tense with 3rd person singular (bases) |
WRB | 1049 | 0.585% | wh- adverb (how) |
WDT | 888 | 0.495% | wh-determiner (that, what) |
WP | 828 | 0.462% | wh- pronoun (who) |
CD | 612 | 0.341% | cardinal digit |
RP | 590 | 0.329% | particle (about) |
JJR | 337 | 0.188% | adjective, comparative (larger) |
EX | 314 | 0.175% | existential there |
RBR | 239 | 0.133% | adverb, comparative (greater) |
JJS | 196 | 0.109% | adjective, superlative (largest) |
POS | 132 | 0.074% | possessive ending (parent's) |
PDT | 124 | 0.069% | predeterminer (all, both, half) |
UH | 103 | 0.057% | interjection (goodbye) |
'' | 93 | 0.052% | '' |
FW | 73 | 0.041% | foreign word |
RBS | 66 | 0.037% | adverb, superlative (biggest) |
WP$ | 35 | 0.020% | possesive wh- pronoun (whose) |
NNPS | 16 | 0.009% | proper noun, plural (indians or americans) |
SYM | 6 | 0.003% | symbol (&) |