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Children of Dune - Frank Herbert

First Word Frequency

These tables show facts and information in regards to the frequency of the first 1, 2, 3, and 5 words throughout the text.

Longest First Words

These are the longest words from lists that include words with hyphens or exclude words with hyphens.

Includes Hyphens

Words Length Part of Speech Definition
self-effacement 15 NN noun, singular (cat, tree)
disconcertingly 15 RB adverb (occasionally, swiftly)
specializations 15 NNS noun plural (desks)
symbol-secrecy 14 NN noun, singular (cat, tree)
experimentally 14 RB adverb (occasionally, swiftly)

Excludes Hyphens

Words Length Part of Speech Definition
disconcertingly 15 RB adverb (occasionally, swiftly)
specializations 15 NNS noun plural (desks)
experimentally 14 RB adverb (occasionally, swiftly)
instinctively 13 RB adverb (occasionally, swiftly)
assassination 13 NN noun, singular (cat, tree)

Top 10 First Words

What follows are tables that feature the most frequent proper nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.

Proper Nouns

1st Word: Proper Noun Count
Leto 233
Alia 225
Jessica 192
Ghanima 148
Farad'n 132
Stilgar 95
It's 82
I'm 75
Idaho 70
Halleck 60


1st Word: Pronoun Count
He 881
I 596
She 512
It 451
You 388
They 279
We 154
His 127
My 62
Her 59


1st Word: Adjective Count
Such 23
Many 22
Most 8
Good 8
Best 7
More 7
Duncan 5
Few 4
Much 2
Horrible 2


1st Word: Adverb Count
Then 101
Now 79
Not 61
Perhaps 57
Even 42
Only 36
Presently 33
Once 31
So 31
Still 23


1st Word: Verb Count
Is 53
Do 38
Have 25
Are 14
Does 11
Something 9
Knowing 8
Was 7
Seeing 5
You're 5

First Words

The first word frequency table that follows includes stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the". We include them here for the extra context they provide overall word choice percentages.

First Words Part of Speech Part of Speech Definition Count Percentage

First 2 Words

What follows are first word combinations that include stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the". We include them here for the extra context they provide on sentence start word choice.

First 2 Words Count Percentage

First 3 Words

What follows are first word combinations that include stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the". We include them here for the extra context they provide on sentence start word choice.

First 3 Words Count Percentage

First 5 Words

What follows are first word combinations that include stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the". We include them here for the extra context they provide on sentence start word choice.

First 5 Words Count Percentage