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WordsWorth deconstructs any novel or news headline to show author word choice, sentence structures, readability, and more.

WordsWorth was initially built to answer the question of how frequently Frank Herbert uses the word presently in Dune. From there the obsession with word choice grew. What other word choices were present? What word combinations are frequent? How difficult is the book to read? And more.

WordsWorth is the brainchild of Derek LeBlond and his deep love for the written word. That love culminates into over a decade in content, knowledge, product, and program management experience for companies such as Amazon.com and Rakuten.com.

WordsWorth also demarks Derek's skills in Python, Web development, and data analysis. This entire site was built with Flask and Plotly for Python with AWS Lambda as a host.

And, the site acts as a bespoke content management system to allow Derek to share blogs of industry knowledge or hobby research.

Contact Us for help, insight, thoughts, and more.