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Children of Dune - Frank Herbert

Punctuation Frequency Chart

This chart visualizes the count of punctuation throughout the text.

Punctuation Frequency Table

This table shows the punctuation in the text and its frequency.

Punctuation Count Percentage
. 11147 34.688%
" 7981 24.836%
, 7900 24.584%
? 1278 3.977%
- 1036 3.224%
! 789 2.455%
: 771 2.399%
431 1.341%
= 379 1.179%
' 198 0.616%
; 171 0.532%
( 18 0.056%
) 18 0.056%
/ 14 0.044%
[ 2 0.006%
] 2 0.006%