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A Scanner Darkly - Phillip K. Dick

First Word Frequency

These tables show facts and information in regards to the frequency of the first 1, 2, 3, and 5 words throughout the text.

Longest First Words

These are the longest words from lists that include words with hyphens or exclude words with hyphens.

Includes Hyphens

Words Length Part of Speech Definition
misrepresentation 17 NNP proper noun, singular (sarah)
epistemology--the 17 NNP proper noun, singular (sarah)
eventually--this 16 NN noun, singular (cat, tree)
and--remembering 16 VBG verb gerund (judging)
acknowledgments 15 NNS noun plural (desks)

Excludes Hyphens

Words Length Part of Speech Definition
misrepresentation 17 NNP proper noun, singular (sarah)
acknowledgments 15 NNS noun plural (desks)
metaphorically 14 NNP proper noun, singular (sarah)
scatterbrained 14 VBN verb past participle (reunified)
theoretically 13 RB adverb (occasionally, swiftly)

Top 10 First Words

What follows are tables that feature the most frequent proper nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.

Proper Nouns

1st Word: Proper Noun Count
Barris 83
It's 78
Arctor 71
I'll 68
I'm 52
No 52
Fred 47
Okay 46
Donna 45
Hank 44


1st Word: Pronoun Count
He 490
I 399
You 217
It 149
They 141
She 99
We 73
he 63
His 39
My 19


1st Word: Adjective Count
Most 8
Little 5
Several 5
Other 4
Next 4
Many 3
Better 3
Such 3
Copyright 2
Last 2


1st Word: Adverb Count
So 57
Maybe 50
Not 48
Then 38
Well 32
Now 30
Probably 17
Even 16
Just 15
Once 12


1st Word: Verb Count
Do 25
Is 20
Have 12
Something 9
Does 8
Take 7
Are 6
Looking 5
Opening 5
Fucking 4

First Words

The first word frequency table that follows includes stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the". We include them here for the extra context they provide overall word choice percentages.

First Words Part of Speech Part of Speech Definition Count Percentage

First 2 Words

What follows are first word combinations that include stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the". We include them here for the extra context they provide on sentence start word choice.

First 2 Words Count Percentage

First 3 Words

What follows are first word combinations that include stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the". We include them here for the extra context they provide on sentence start word choice.

First 3 Words Count Percentage

First 5 Words

What follows are first word combinations that include stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the". We include them here for the extra context they provide on sentence start word choice.

First 5 Words Count Percentage