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A Scanner Darkly - Phillip K. Dick

Characters per Word

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Character Frequency

This chart visualizes the count of characters throughout the text.

Character Frequency Table

This table shows the count of characters throughout the text.

Character Count percentage
e 43234 11.052%
t 33044 8.447%
a 29746 7.604%
o 28173 7.202%
i 25818 6.600%
n 24524 6.269%
h 23859 6.099%
s 21429 5.478%
r 20485 5.237%
d 17192 4.395%
l 14904 3.810%
u 11001 2.812%
c 9965 2.547%
m 8299 2.122%
w 8279 2.116%
g 8119 2.076%
y 8029 2.053%
f 7547 1.929%
, 6969 1.782%
. 6517 1.666%
p 6474 1.655%
b 6360 1.626%
" 5401 1.381%
k 4294 1.098%
v 3048 0.779%
' 2289 0.585%
- 1965 0.502%
? 956 0.244%
j 573 0.146%
x 504 0.129%
; 473 0.121%
_ 414 0.106%
z 315 0.081%
: 176 0.045%
146 0.037%
q 146 0.037%
! 127 0.032%
1 66 0.017%
( 54 0.014%
) 54 0.014%
9 32 0.008%
2 27 0.007%
7 24 0.006%
3 22 0.006%
6 19 0.005%
4 17 0.004%
0 15 0.004%
5 10 0.003%
8 10 0.003%
ü 9 0.002%
ä 8 0.002%
é 4 0.001%
ö 2 0.001%
/ 2 0.001%
] 1 0.000%
[ 1 0.000%
à 1 0.000%
ï 1 0.000%
& 1 0.000%