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Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

Syllables Per Word

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Word Frequency

These tables show the frequency of single, 2, 3, and 5 word combinations throughout the text.

Longest Words

These are the longest words from lists that include words with hyphens or exclude words with hyphens.

Includes Hyphens

Words Length Part of Speech Definition
important--unimportant 22 JJ adjective (large)
unimportant--important 22 JJ adjective (large)
adventures--beginning 21 JJ adjective (large)
things--everything 18 NN noun, singular (cat, tree)
waistcoat-pocket 16 NN noun, singular (cat, tree)

Excludes Hyphens

Words Length Part of Speech Definition
disappointment 14 NN noun, singular (cat, tree)
multiplication 14 NNP proper noun, singular (sarah)
contemptuously 14 RB adverb (occasionally, swiftly)
affectionately 14 RB adverb (occasionally, swiftly)
conversations 13 NNS noun plural (desks)

Top 10 Words by Part of Speech

What follows are tables that feature the most frequent proper nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.

Proper Nouns

Proper Noun Count
Alice 380
Queen 64
King 59
Mock 56
Turtle 56
Gryphon 55
Hatter 52
Dormouse 37
I'm 36
Rabbit 36


Pronoun Count
she 534
it 524
i 400
you 350
her 199
they 125
he 116
his 95
them 84
me 61


Adjective Count
little 125
great 39
other 39
much 34
large 33
last 33
more 30
first 29
good 25
poor 25


Adverb Count
very 138
not 137
so 106
then 91
again 83
now 58
well 54
quite 52
just 51
as 49


Verb Count
said 457
was 354
had 176
is 107
were 85
went 83
did 60
began 58
know 55
are 48

Unique Words

The word frequency table that follows includes stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the". We include them here for the extra context they provide overall word choice percentages.

Unique Words Part of Speech Part of Speech Definition Count Percentage

2 Word Combinations

What follows are word combinations that exclude stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the".

Words go through lemmetization as well. This makes attempts to find the root word, such as say for saying or said. Lemmetization provides a greater opportunity to find repetitive language.

2 Word Combinations Count Percentage

3 Word Combinations

What follows are word combinations that exclude stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the".

Words go through lemmetization as well. This makes attempts to find the root word, such as say for saying or said. Lemmetization provides a greater opportunity to find repetitive language.

3 Word Combinations Count Percentage

5 Word Combinations

What follows are word combinations that exclude stop words. Stop words are words that provide less meaning, such as determiners like "the".

Words go through lemmetization as well. This makes attempts to find the root word, such as say for saying or said. Lemmetization provides a greater opportunity to find repetitive language.

5 Word Combinations Count Percentage